Making (and Holding) a Crip Planetarium 

2023       Making (and Holding) a Crip Planetarium was a Grounding Practice workshop at Somerset House Studios, in conjunction with their Hyper Functional Ultra Healthy disability justice programme.

In this workshop we used image making, collage and assemblage to construct constellations of crip futurity. Thinking through the every day objects and materials that make up our lived experiences, we  challenged the erasure of disabled people from our social vistas and horizons, and thought through both the potential and the limits of image-making to hold what it means for us to be. 
Some key questions we explored were:

  • What particular knowledge does your lived experiences of illness and/or disability reveal to you about the world? 
  • How can we centre these knowledges in collective future-making?
  • What enables you to participate in the future?
  • How do we negotiate having conflicting or contradictory access needs?
  • What does it look like to construct visual systems that hold difference and multitude?
  • How do we negotiate conflicting dreams and desires?